Friday, April 24, 2009

Earth Day S.O.S

Earth Day was awesome for myself and the team here...
We introduced living examples
Of what the S.O.S. processes are capable of
At the local food co-op’s Earth Day Event
There we were at the marketplace
With fresh samples of living oils
And sweet fresh sprouted green Lentils
There to interact with the public about these new methods
Rolled up into a teaching program for communities called
“Seeds Of Sustainability”Just a table with some cards
A big bowl of sprouted lentils
And some beautiful live sunflower oil
One taste of this oil is enough to convince
Anyone who loves food that these processes work

With the older known sprouting method
Seeds really don’t need the multiple rinsing's to grow~
They need the rinsing's to wash away the unwanted bacteria
From the over excessive amounts of water

S.O.S shows everyone a simple natural process
That works with thousands of different things
Taking an ancestral food transformation method
Which turns a dormant food we all know
Into ‘food gold’
(Live Sunflower Oil made with S.O.S Methods)

I’m calling these ‘food gold’ because
Not only are they super high in nutrition and healing abilities
But because they pretty much make themselves
In a very short period of time
At a cost of almost nothing

Food gold is awesome in all respects
The healing qualities are incredible
The flavors are incredible
The textures are Rich and Filling
And these fats and flavors are living

We explained to the folks that stopped by
That we will be holding a workshop and filming a DVD
Making it available to communities first
Then onto the online market for everyone

Everyone loved the living oil and fresh sweet sprouts
That the only thing more golden and beautiful than the oil
Was the faces of those who held out their spoons
And asked for more

We brought the remaining lentils in the bowl back home
After 5 hours in the air and partial shade on the table
They are still beautiful and whole
As I sit and write this a full 24 hours later
It would have been no problem
Keeping in the fridge for a month or more

Because the S.O.S growing method doesn’t have
all the excess water and bacteria
These sprouts can stay fresh in the fridge
for over a month
(And after that be planted and grow~)

Happy Earth Day....

Robin Marche

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seed of Sustainability Update

The S.O.S Program is going strong.
The DVD instructional is on schedule to be released to everyone in the Community Sphere Program June 21st

And, all the associations who have received the
Beau Shaver Seal of Approval
thus receiving the
Interdependent Project Award of Excellence
will also be receiving
their Seeds Of Sustainability DVD instructional
June 21st Solstice


This period in which we live is clearly signatured by

The Seeds Of Sustainability Program
In first part, teaches the ability to produce
10, 20, 30 pounds of some of the world’s healthiest foods
every 24 hours
in the space ‘the size of a desk’
by day 3
at cost of seed.
Set up time, minutes
Cost of setup, almost nothing
A ‘seed conversion process’ that turns seed
into food

The second part being new information
that converts a semi-digestible food
into one of the greatest food substances on the face of the
A true super-food, ohsohealing!
(And one that flavors and enboldifies everything it touches)

The S.O.S Program embodies these two simple processes
And germinates their birth into each unique community
Seeds Of Sustainability

DVD’s to communities June 21st 2009

Thank you very much,
Robin Marche

Please get your copy of the free pdf download book
Nutritious Nut & Oil Alchemy- Awakening Living Proteins
After only 10 minutes of your time
You’ll have a key understanding to unlocking nutritional
bounty in nut and seed for the rest of your life

To those of you who have written in
Thank you very much for your comments and input
You are especially appreciated

And Please find out about the Earth Charter and read it, thank you!